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Instrument manufacturer

The pointer meter factory from Taiwan was founded in 1977



Kunshan voltmeter manufacturer
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Rules for ammeter use

2019-05-22 11:40:47

Introduction of Kunshan ammeter manufacturer

Kunshan ammeter manufacturer

① The ammeter should be connected in series with the electric appliance in the circuit (not connected to both ends of the battery, or the ammeter will be burnt out due to short circuit);

② The current should come in from the "+" terminal and come out from the "-" terminal (otherwise, the pointer will be reversed and the needle will be bent easily);

③ The measured current should not exceed the range of the ammeter (you can use the touch method to see if it exceeds the range.);

④ It must not be allowed to connect the ammeter to the two poles of the power supply without using electrical appliances (the internal resistance of the ammeter is very small, equivalent to a wire). If the ammeter is connected to the two poles of the power supply, the pointer will be crooked, or the ammeter, power supply and wire will be burnt out

Note: first burn the ammeter, then destroy the source

Previous: How to use ammeter2019-05-22 11:40:18
Next: Understanding insulators2020-12-18 15:58:27

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